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CharmedOnes foto&blog Magicfanclub
Wednesday, 20 April 2005

goodnite lovegurlgurlgurls....

Posted by stepfordkidchristine and frienz_ at 8:34 AM EDT
kali's juegas y heladacola de icecream karnela
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: y la vaca de la Boca
Topic: charmed ones nu foto {:&
this classic film of India...references to Kali...the Hindu Goddeess of Doing....which is why Kali is d'picted with multiplearms... Kali tho' considered by some westrners as a Dark "avenging" Goddess is a Goddess of Pleasure... a"come play with me" playful goddess...of Happiness... India Diania the forms of dianakali... themothergoddess::the playful mother:: > the next turn the pagae four kali emma dianna links to other pages Mother Kali b's been busy this southern evening loves,and thanks to my frendss Cmptssa &dra, flowergurl and lil_laura_kitten has some newscrypts and links for myour kali incl. the '94 sleeper cult classic Hollyood Hotel:: hi asan example :: i walk into a like mrrros reflecting... "hi" i smile, noticing the beautiful teeth the cent of fruit & cigarettes... like a drink, my frined..; got coffee but the beer is near... yes...a smoke and drink... nice breasts... nice lips such deep eyes... yes gurl we are mirrors...mylove... new/goldenviews...expres yourseilves...only ^ "official" members...yet...exclusiv..come look! come play with stawbery&silverprincess*** *** *
: hi this is fun kali pages.(Cjane's petgurl)
: ghostgurl one of the bessst Kali sites yet!!!iadore and myloveits!
: hmidnightplusssesss
get a free chatterbox
Order Harry Potter Book 6 today!
[:)][z][%)] and > bahlu's Hollywood Hotels movie

Posted by stepfordkidchristine and frienz_ at 8:25 AM EDT
Tuesday, 19 April 2005

poetry link to BlogThis! StepfordKatt6014 MONDAY, APRIL 18, 2005 writing&poetry enter prose &/ora poetry stories where to get fun flowers and bees, ideas can be funfound:: post a cpmment a story a poem sowe can enjoy the fruit of our inks.. something inspired be it dark or light the flight of a herd the sound of a bird put ogether with electronic ink:: add as an eye to soothe the ear something sweet a fudge or chocalate candye or salsy and spicy as a sei??orita along the frothy shores... a dance by moonlight a song of cats with a special spell a lovers weave that claims heaven and hell... posted by ghostgurl6014 @ 11:03 PM 0 comments WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13, 2005 webring sleuthring nancydrew5000 happy birthdataday nancy drew! %$ muriel the purlloined parrot ie canary of lights action...great story of nancys drew "first" hollywood moving in which she plays Esther... This site is a member of WebRing. To browse visit Here. posted by ghostgurl6014 @ 3:44 PM 0 comments TUESDAY, APRIL 12, 2005 buffy and whienerschnitz while the flute &the whurlitzerZBS* played the Comptesse & I had our curlyqfries and each a yumdog...great and the water was good... 2 turns around the lemontree, (thanksNancy...)oh happy birrthdayNancyDrew this official month makes for Nancy an et23year+ girlheroine... then a bit of Nidoor shoppeinge.. some of my fauve mauvered..and looked4 more NcDru~. . . some lovely nce candle holders ...and bead holders for sewingdresskidz stuff.... ... pretty jewelry and the usuall radiotphone efquipmevent...venuff sigh... time 4denices so 6offto back4...luffdoorv* posted by ghostgurl6014 @ 8:16 PM 1 comments gothic hunjeryie.. asaetcaka... hungry...went four walk... in the morning work up with can of neopetOrangeSpankyera beer and cupcake in bed...M01 curled up with me...the music was darkjazz...purrpect (electrokatt014) happy birthady (tru_) NancyDrew, april being her happy birthday... i love the musicjazz connected in with my webxplore my ama mia grurlie... refundand refundanbt refundaint.. Karmilla was up in her Tower Room (the one the cats know by certain moons...).. i followed ShadowBourie01 tho' i knew the way mei-self it more fun with friend of course Salem6 is near but save a cushion for paige & piper... so i offered her some food & cigs||| and she invited me to sit near the cushion.... we smoked awhile the TSP like cushions of smoke silvery and vibrant...she smiled and baby purred... getting closer..i saw one of the girls lite a candle which actually made the shadows dark enough that i could feel this better...isuulation is good..nuff...we could cuddle all we want cwe could cuddle and vitacee is good for me...cme is good for vitacee shadow and cattghostgurl... *2*@@***titioooo23Pedgesueisz posted by ghostgurl6014 @ 1:11 PM gothic nanacy kaarmilla and jane... hungry...went four walk... in the morning work up with can of neopetOrangeSpankyera beer and cupcake in bed...M01 curled up with me...the music was darkjazz...purrpect (electrokatt014) happy birthady (tru_) NancyDrew, april being her happy birthday... i love the musicjazz connected in with my webxplore my ama mia grurlie... refundand refundanbt refundaint.. Karmilla was up in her Tower Room (the one the cats know by certain moons...).. i followed ShadowBourie01 tho' i knew the way mei-self it more fun with friend of course Salem6 is near but save a cushion for paige & piper... so i offered her some food & cigs||| and she invited me to sit near the cushion.... we smoked awhile the TSP like cushions of smoke silvery and vibrant...she smiled and baby purred... getting closer..i saw one of the girls lite a candle which actually made the shadows dark enough that i could feel this better...isuulation is good..nuff...we could cuddle all we want cwe could cuddle and vitacee is good for me...cme is good for vitacee shadow and cattghostgurl... posted by ghostgurl6014 @ 12:55 PM 0 comments Nancy & Jane Drew Gothicneonotes ah time am denising and like the newnu webneopeta page even tho solw response in getting my pw thru & when will we quit asking am i f or m dump questions lol im a cattgurl{;-) and found some nicewitchy gothsites while whatching o my charmed..a.gdess... need a bit of deniese walk or something cigg? i??i??i?? to get body juicies going lol really like mythemy szyane site ies beituaful.. beuty... ah! goals: finani??ialupdates$withclobg... 2] denise lunch with crabsalad or cwrybread/wheattheins and p'nutter cookies...had fruit bowl (litlcup) 3}} goth poetry and nancyjanedew aka updates... 40888***the dark mysteries....*** some goodies @house of hATHOR -AEGYPT MOTHER AEGYPT...KAGE BAKER&LOLITA ANKQSUAMOAUN REYOFNOLDSLITES ANUBIS THE CAT &FREEBEE THE GHOSTCATTHUNTERS.. posted by ghostgurl6014 @ 12:37 PM 0 comments StepfordKatt6014 StepfordKatt6014 posted by ghostgurl6014 @ 12:33 PM 0 comments good pix of lovely i like my sz3yAn9sitans:: BlogThis! ~*mE MySeLf & I*~ on.line : wad4eVa d.o.b : 12th feBruarY age : olDer thAn 1-yR-olD : daYdrEameR clasz/sch : 2BN of cChmZ c.c.a: liBraRy (actuAllY it'z n0t as b0rin as U thoUght) : li0n ciTy on.z : black|white|blue|green|nite|family|buddiez|bkz|anime|beach|abseiling|history off.z : pink|eggplant|bitterguard|disconnection|miscommunication|backstabberz|betrayerz *dE aQuarIuZ gAl* sYmbOl: The Water Bearer rUliNg PlaNet: Uranus/ Saturn ElEmenT: Air CrOss/QuAliTy: Fixed GrOup: Theoretical HoUse RuLed: Eleventh PolAriTy: Positive OppOsiTe SiGn: Leo FaVorAble CoLors: Electric Blue & Glow-in-the-Dark Shades LuCky GeM: Amethyst KEy BOdy PArt: Ankles & Circulatory System PeRIod: Jan. 20 - Feb. 18 BaSic PrOfiLe (+): Progressive, original, idealist, altruistic, issue-oriented, charismatic, up-to-date, visionary, humanitarian, personable, imaginative, generous, inspiring, practical, congenial, casual, open-minded, amiable, inventive, off-beat This page is too big to be shown completely. This page is too big to be shown completely. i look for good steviews of magick &love... watch for Beautylineproducts007*Jane&Nancy posted by ghostgurl6014 @ 10:18 AM 2 comments SUNDAY, APRIL 10, 2005 My szianulaDiary My Diary posted by ghostgurl6014 @ 12:41 AM 0 comments SATURDAY, APRIL 09, 2005 GhostGurlStepfordChristina6 a herefly= Diary Happytofiniifindthisspot:: in-morning-we-went-to-2002-world-cMy Diary GhoustGurlClog::didmy Denises...nice relaxingday...watchedBuffy w/Faith andposted someunue picxs to my Buffy& TruCalling webtvSites...wentforawalk...a little coffee(teaLater) and some sparkly beer to keep mydoggiechow mydvd ofFreebielixthecat..greatstuffanimate..anime`willmmation' BlogThis! my diary sunday, december 05, 2004 In the morning we went to 2002 World Cup Stadium.It makes us so proud that Korea had reached the semi-final in the World Cup 2002 because it is only country Asia to go this far.The stadium condition is fantatstic.Next we went to National Ginseng Outlet and also Amethyst factory.Then in the afternoon we embarked on a grand tour of beautiful Korea.We went to President's palace .And to National Folklore Museum which exhibits their traditional life and not to forget Kyongbok Palace which was built in 1394 and was rebuilt for some kind of reasons.Next we went to see Nanta Musical Santa show.It is a music show which music is composed using cooking utensils.Last but not least we went to Dongdaemun Market where is like Pasar Malam in M"sia posted by sze yan at 10:31 pm i?? 0 comments: Post a Comment Home about me Name:Sze Yan Location:Malaysia View my complete profile previous posts In the morning we went to Mt Sorak, the highest an... After breakfast we proceed to Yongpyong Ski Resort... Today we reached at Incheon International Airport ... Morning i was quite excited about the trip to Kore... Morning did nothing except watching television.So ... Yea..i have decided to have my first own blogger.I... i?? posted by ghostgurl6014 @ 11:41 PM 1 comments About Me Name:ghostgurl6014 i ama gurl royal``shee! like rainbow pink red and black llips/nails frenchcuddlekisslezzique View my complete profile Links Google News Edit-Me Edit-Me Previous Posts writing&poetry enter prose &/ora poetry stories webring sleuthring nancydrew5000 buffy and whienerschnitz gothic hunjeryie.. gothic nanacy kaarmilla and jane... Nancy & Jane Drew Gothicneonotes StepfordKatt6014 good pix of lovely My szianulaDiary GhostGurlStepfordChristina6 Archives April 2005

Posted by stepfordkidchristine and frienz_ at 3:02 AM EDT
Friday, 15 April 2005
my magilaundry dai
ist my laundry day lol...vitaCeesings the magic hrm keep my mood happymoood

i likes to sing withCeeSee...

Posted by stepfordkidchristine and frienz_ at 3:20 PM EDT
foto sies or charmed fotos sites for charmed
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: 's best friend
Topic: Daimond charms are a girl
while watching ...Jeanne<><>and<><>AfricanScreams<><>chick?chick?

Posted by stepfordkidchristine and frienz_ at 3:13 PM EDT
foto site charmed
Mood:  chatty fotos to be viewed here for charmed one::

Posted by stepfordkidchristine and frienz_ at 3:04 PM EDT
charmed new site grand opening loves
Mood:  celebratory
Now Playing: and blogCee Gallery of charm stars ::us
Topic: charmed ones nu foto {:&
welcome to the new charmed site for intechaninging nd bloggindclogsbrogs...::
leading to the cyber and palatial chatrooms as as we and charms ...we;ll post good spells amulets and other goodies...please add to it and lets kept it fun good cheerful magick!

Posted by stepfordkidchristine and frienz_ at 3:00 PM EDT

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